
World Of Fighters: Iron Fists

Played 1198 times.

80% (8/10)
World Of Fighters: Iron Fists is a dope game that will take you to the dark streets of the city. The place is crawling with gangs and lowlifes, but you're part of the Iron Fists crew, so you ain't afraid of anything.

This game is all about fighting your way through the city and taking down the bad guys. You gotta be tough and ruthless to survive in this game. There are different levels, each with their own challenges and bosses to beat. But with your mad skills and Iron Fists crew by your side, nothing can stop you.

You can play "World Of Fighters: Iron Fists" at, along with a bunch of other awesome games that are free and unblocked. And the best part is, you don't need to download anything to play it. Just hop online, and you're good to go.

So what are you waiting for? Put on your virtual fighting gloves, and let's clean up the streets together! Iron Fists crew for life!

Use arrow key to move Z to punch X to kick C to defend Space to Jump Double tap left or right and z or x to perform special attack!


Action Fighting 3D
